CA Pooja Kamdar Date Classes

CA Pooja Kamdar Date Classes

CA Pooja Kamdar Date learnt every subject from scratch and that’s when she realised the importance of conceptual learning. Getting all her fundamentals clear, she successfully mastered the CA subjects and as a result, scored a rank in CA Inter and Final too.

This is the reason why, all her classes are concept-focused, where students are guided to understand the ‘why’, before they can learn the ‘how’ of a problem. And this approach has resulted into many top-scorers and rankers in CA from PKD.

17 Years of teaching experience/Created many rankers and top-scorer/Focus on developing analytical skills/Interactive sessions encouraging student participations/Regular doubt-solving and revisions /Free Android app for students with regular updates

Lectures by CA Pooja Kamdar Date

Books by CA Pooja Kamdar Date

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