swapnil patni classes CA Foundation fees


Differences in different modes of classes

ParticularsRegular Batch (GD/PD)Regular Batch (Live)Regular Batch (Full English)Fastrack Batch
Offline ViewingPossiblePossible (Only for Backup)PossiblePossible
Suitable for Students who wants to watch classes offline or at their convenience.Students who want to attend Live at Home Classes with the option to watch backup if classes are missed.Students who can not understand hindi.Repeater students who have already studied Regular Batches once.
Batch RecordingLatest recording will be provided with applicable amendments. If recording is going on, new classes will be updated daily. Live at Home Classes are not available all the time. If there is recent batch started or about to start. Students can enroll into same.Latest recording will be provided with applicable amendments. If recording is going on, new classes will be updated daily. Latest recording will be provided with applicable amendments. If recording is going on, new classes will be updated daily. 
Doubts SupportOver SPC Portal & AppOver SPC Portal & AppOver SPC Portal & AppOver SPC Portal & App
 Price Starts from Rs. 21,000/- Rs. 30,000/- Starts from Rs. 12,000/- Starts from Rs. 14,000/-

Differences in different modes of classes

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