CA Inter Set-Off & Carry Forward of Losses | Quick Tips & Mnemonics

Set-Off & Carry Forward of Losses – A Sure-Shot Strategy to Score High in CA Exams


Understanding Set-Off & Carry Forward of Losses is crucial for CA exams, especially for Direct Taxation. This topic frequently appears in MCQs, case studies, and computation-based questions. Many students make avoidable mistakes due to lack of clarity. This article provides a structured approach to mastering this chapter efficiently.

1. Concept Overview (Easy to Remember Format)

Set-Off: Adjusting a loss against profit within the same assessment year.

Carry Forward: If a loss cannot be fully set off in the same year, it is carried forward to future years.

Inter-Source vs. Inter-Head Set-Off

Inter-Source Set-Off (Sec 70)Loss from one source can be adjusted against income from another source under the same headLoss from Textile Business set off against profit from Printing Business
Inter-Head Set-Off (Sec 71)Loss under one head can be set off against income under another headBusiness loss set off against House Property income

? Memory Trick: “Same head, direct set-off. Different heads, with conditions!”

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2. Exam-Focused Shortcuts & Tricks

? Trick to Remember Loss Set-Off Restrictions

  • SPLR (Speculation, Presumptive, Lottery, Racehorse) losses cannot be set off against normal income.
  • Capital Loss can only be set off against Capital Gain.
  • House Property Loss can be set off against any income (max ?2L), else carried forward.

? Shortcut Formulae:

  • Short-Term Capital Loss (STCL) = Set off against STCG & LTCG
  • Long-Term Capital Loss (LTCL) = Set off against LTCG only
  • Speculation Business Loss = Set off only against Speculation Profit

? Example-Based Learning: 1?? Q: Mr. X has a loss of ?1,00,000 from Business A and profit of ?80,000 from Business B. Can he set it off?

  • A: Yes, as both are under Profits & Gains from Business & Profession (Sec 70).

2?? Q: Can a loss from House Property be set off against Salary?

  • A: Yes, up to ?2,00,000, rest is carried forward (Sec 71).

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3. Most Important Sections & Their Tricks

? Mnemonic for Quick Recall

“In 70’s, I Had (71) a Big (72) Speculative (73) Business, But My Capital (74) Was Lost (74A) After Choosing 115BAC.”

SectionType of LossSet-Off RulesCarry Forward
70Inter-Source Set-OffAllowed (except SPLR)NA
71Inter-Head Set-OffAllowed (with restrictions)NA
72Business LossSet off against Business Income8 years
73Speculation LossSet off against Speculation Income4 years
74Capital LossSTCL: Against STCG/LTCG, LTCL: Only against LTCG8 years
74ARacehorse LossOnly against Racehorse Income4 years
115BACImpact of New Tax RegimeNo House Property Loss Set-OffNA

? Memory Trick: Picture an old businessman in the 70s, saying, “I had a big speculative business, but my capital was lost after choosing the wrong tax regime!” ?

4. Interlinking Strategy for Conceptual Clarity ?

? Set-Off Rules Simplified:

  • Inter-Source (70) ? Same Head? Adjust directly!
  • Inter-Head (71) ? Different Head? Be careful! Some losses have restrictions.
  • Business Loss (72) ? Can go across businesses, but not outside “Profits & Gains”
  • Speculation Loss (73) ? Only with Speculation Profits!
  • Capital Loss (74) ? STCL can go anywhere in Capital Gains, LTCL only with LTCG
  • Racehorse Loss (74A) ? Exclusive club! Only racehorse earnings can cover this loss!

? Tip: Visualize an IPL-like tournament where each type of loss plays in its own team! ?

5. Rhyming Formula ?

? “70 Same, 71 Shift, 72 Business Won’t Drift
73 Games, 74 Stays, 74A Racehorses Plays!”* ?

? This rhythmic pattern helps in last-minute recall!

6. Must-Practice MCQs & Case Studies

1?? Which loss cannot be set off against any income?

  • (A) Speculation Business Loss
  • (B) Capital Loss
  • (C) Racehorse Activity Loss
  • (D) Gambling Loss ?

2?? A long-term capital loss of ?50,000 can be set off against:

  • (A) Short-Term Capital Gain
  • (B) Salary Income
  • (C) Business Profit
  • (D) Long-Term Capital Gain ?

7. Last-Minute Revision Plan (Scoring Strategy)

? 1 Day Before Exam:

  • Step 1: Revise the summary table (10 min)
  • Step 2: Practice 10 MCQs & 2 Case Studies (30 Minute)
  • Step 3: Write down key sections (10 min)
  • Step 4: Revise formulae & restrictions (10 min)


Mastering Set-Off & Carry Forward of Losses can significantly boost your CA exam scores. By using memory tricks, formulas, and case-based learning, you can solve questions quickly and accurately.

? Final Tip: Keep practicing MCQs & numerical problems for full confidence on exam day!

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Best of luck!

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